After finishing youth labour school in Seda, he worked with the Lithuanian newspaper "Mūsų žodis" and the magazine "Nemunas", established in Skuodas, as an editor.
The municipality was formed in 2009 by merging Jērcēni parish, Plāņi parish, Strenči town and Seda town with its countryside territory; the administrative centre being Strenči.
Seda | Seda Sulang | Seda Noorlander | Seda, Latvia | Seda Pumpyanskaya |
Jiří Pernes, Jaroslav Pospíšil, Antonín Lukáš: Alexej Čepička - Šedá eminence rudého režimu (Alexej Čepička - the Grey Eminence of the Red regime), Prague, 2008, ISBN 978-80-7243-322-3.
Her father instructs her to wear her silk skirt (nagua de seda in spanish) to travel to Morelia to church mass.