Francisco Segarra Simon (born February 27, 1976 in Granollers, Barcelona) is a vision impaired S12 swimmer from Spain.
In 1990, then Bronx Borough President Fernando Ferrer appointed Segarra as the borough's representative to the Board of Education.
Subsequently he participated in El café de la Marina by Josep Maria de Segarra, which premiered in El Port de la Selva.
It is located in the westernmost part of Catalonia, around the city of Lleida, its administrative capital and most populated municipality, and will be formed by five existing comarques: Segrià, Noguera, Pla d'Urgell, Urgell, Segarra and Garrigues.
8th region, the capital was Lleida and the comarques: les Garrigues, la Noguera, l'Urgell, la Segarra and el Segrià (el Pla d'Urgell, newly created in 1987, was back then included in this region).