
7 unusual facts about Sekarmadji Maridjan Kartosuwirjo

Sekarmadji Maridjan Kartosuwirjo

On June 1962, Kartosuwirjo was eventually captured in his hideout at Mount Geber near Garut.

While touring Malangbong, near Garut in West Java, Kartosuwirjo met and married daughter of a local PSII leader.

During the Indonesian National Revolution, his Darul Islam militia remained in amicable terms with the secular Republican forces until the latter withdrew from West Java according to the terms of Renville Agreement in 1948, while Kartosuwirjo continued the guerilla struggle against occupying Dutch forces.

During the Japanese occupation of Indonesia (1942–1945), Kartosuwirjo established armed militias in Garut area, one of many such groups supported and armed by the Japanese in order to help them resist any future Allied invasion.

Declaration of martial law in 1957 and establishment of Guided Democracy by Sukarno in 1959 proved to be a turning point for Darul Islam's fortunes.

Sekarmadji Maridjan Kartosuwirjo (January 7, 1905 - September 5, 1962) was an Indonesian Islamic mystic who led the Darul Islam rebellion against the Indonesian government from 1949 to 1962, with the objective of overthrowing the secular Pancasila ideology and establishing Negara Islam Indonesia (Islamic State of Indonesia) based on sharia law.

While attending NIAS (Nederlands-Indische Artsen School/ Netherlands Indies Medical College) in Surabaya, Kartosuwirjo boarded at the house of Islamist leader Tjokroaminoto and became actively involved in Tjokrominoto's PSII (Partai Sarekat Islam Indonesia/ Indonesian Islamic Union Party).


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