
unusual facts about Sekhmet

Beyond the Grave

They were tailed by Irina Spasky, but escape to a store with an Egyptian goddess statue, the Sakhet.


Sekhmet |

Confronted animals

The lioness Bast had been the protective deity of one kingdom and the lioness Sekhmet of the other kingdom, equally important deities in each of the early Egyptian pantheons.

Precinct of Mut

Two Grade I listed statues at Chatsworth House in Derbyshire, England, collected by the 6th Duke of Devonshire, dating from c.1570–1304 BC and said to represent Sekhmet, are believed to have come from this site.

The Sekhmet Hypothesis

Robert Salkowitz discusses the Sekhmet hypothesis in, Comic-Con and the Business of Pop Culture, in which he questions Morrison's take on the hypothesis suggesting instead that the Strauss-Howe generational theory may explain deeper moods within pop culture.

see also