
unusual facts about Senseless



In 1994 the group released their debut album, Senseless, accompanied by a full European tour, accompanying bands such as Refused and Earth Crisis.

Cass Browne

When the Senseless Things split up, Browne formed a new band Delakota, which he toured with for a couple of years.

Daddy's Little Girls

After Monty's Chevy Monte Carlo crashes into Jennifer and Joe's Chrysler 300C, Monty goes over to their car and begins to beat Joe senseless.

Death of René Steegmans

The death of René Steegmans was described in the 2004 number 1 hit single zinloos (English: senseless) by Lange Frans & Baas B, which described several acts of senseless violence.


The composition "Yokada Yokada" was named after the song "Yakety Yak", referring to "senseless dialogue between people," whilst "Alfred" was, of course, dedicated to producer Alfred Lion because of his "natural understanding of jazz in general," and because of the rapport that was established in the interpretation of Hill's tunes.

Natascha Sadr Haghighian

Her two-channel video projection Empire of the Senseless Part II (2006) is in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art.

Telford Taylor

Taylor regarded the 1972 bombing campaign targeting the North Vietnamese capital, Hanoi, as "senseless and immoral"; in December 1972, he visited Hanoi along with musician and activist Joan Baez and others, among them also the associate dean of the Yale Law School.

The Best of P.M. Dawn

Along with the group's most successful recordings, it includes remixes of some of their minor hits, and "Gotta Be...Movin' on Up" from the Marlon Wayans and David Spade 1998 comedy Senseless performed by Prince Be featuring Ky-mani.

Thrill killing

September 15, 1990: Debra Holt, the mother of future world champion boxer Kendall Holt, and also known as Debra Holts and "Cocoa Tan", and three men she met while staying at the Alexander Hamilton Hotel, were convicted of killing a homeless man during an evening of senseless violence and crime in Paterson, NJ.

see also