Alcek (Bulgar: Altsikurs) was the leader of an Utigur Bulgar horde that settled in the villages of Gallo Matese, Sepino, Boiano and Isernia in the Matese mountains of central Italy.
Grimoald sent Altzek and his followers to his son Romuald in Benevento and they were then granted by Romuald land northeast of Naples in the "spacious but up till that time deserted" towns of Sepino, Bovianum (Boiano), and Isernia, in the present-day region of Molise in the Apennines.
Sepino |
Cercemaggiore borders the following municipalities: Castelpagano, Cercepiccola, Gildone, Jelsi, Mirabello Sannitico, Morcone, Riccia, Santa Croce del Sannio, Sepino.