
unusual facts about Septembre


The band has the single "I Am Weightless" featured in the video game Need For Speed Underground 2 for PS2, Xbox and PC versions.


Septembre |

666667 Club

Lyrics and Music by Bertrand Cantat and Noir Désir, except "Septembre, En Attendant".

Adèle Kindt

Her Épisode des journées de septembre 1830, portraying a scene from the Belgian Revolution of 1830, is considered her masterpiece and is on display in the Brussels city museum on the Grand Place

Alphabet für Liège

Alphabet was created as a commission from the City of Liège on the initiative of Philippe Boesmans, for the Nuits de Septembre festival, and was premiered during a "Journée Karlheinz Stockhausen" on 23 September 1972.

Jackie Pigeaud

Roger-Pol Droit, Jackie Pigeaud : « L'Antiquité, j'y habite … », Le Monde des livres, venrdedi 26 septembre 2008, p.

Marseille tramway

It will then run along new track west to Quatre Septembre on the south side of the Vieux-Port.

Moussa Okanla

Démocratie et Gouvernance en Afrique : Etat des Lieux (in collaboration avec René Lemarchand, Abidjan : United States Information Service, Septembre 1996)

Rule 3: Conceal Your Intentions

Rule 3: Conceal Your Intentions E.P. is the debut EP by English alternative rock band Septembre.

see also