
3 unusual facts about Serge Chermayeff

Alan Powers

He has also written books on the design of book jackets, shopfronts, book collectors, and the artist Eric Ravilious as well as monographs on Serge Chermayeff, and the British firms of Tayler and Green and of Aldington, Graig and Collinge.

Georgi Konstantinovski

Graduated at the Faculty of Architecture in Skopje, University "SS Cyril and Methodius" in 1956 and received his Master of Architecture Degree from the Yale University in 1965, under the leadership of Paul Rudolph and Serge Chermayeff, New Haven, USA.

Leonard Everett Fisher

Between 1932 and 1942, Leonard Everett Fisher continued his training at the Heckscher Foundation (NY), with Moses and Raphael Soyer (NY), with Reginald Marsh at the Art Students League of New York, and Serge Chermayeff at Brooklyn College.

Geoffrey Bazeley

It was his first major solo commission, and it clearly shows how he had imbibed the lessons of both Serge Chermayeff and his partner, Erich Mendelsohn.

see also

Alan Powers

He has curated several popular exhibitions, including Modern Britain 1929-39 Design Museum, 1999, Serge Chermayeff (Kettle's Yard), 2001, Eric Ravilious (Imperial War Museum), 2003 and Mind into Matter (De La Warr Pavilion), 2009.

De La Warr Pavilion

A small collection of archival materials related to the De La Warr Pavilion is collected in the Serge Chermayeff Papers held by the Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library at Columbia University in New York City.