
5 unusual facts about Sergei Parajanov

Amit Dutta

Amit Dutta began his career making several short experimental films which crtitics described as “without precedents except probably for a distant echo of Sergey Parajanov’s avant-garde play with childhood memories, making the director probably the most singular and idiosyncratic in the world.”

Artem Ohandjanian

The latest award he received in Chicago, 2001 for his film dedicated to Sergei Parajanov.

Gayane Khachaturian

She met Sergei Parajanov in 1967 at Elene Akhvlediani's house and they maintained a close friendship which lasted until his death.

Vahram Zaryan

At the time of the creation of the company, Zaryan interpreted—among other roles—that of the white mime at a gala at the Palais Garnier in honor of director Sergei Parajanov in a theatrical rendition of this master of Soviet cinema’s great film The Color of Pomogranates.

You Have Already Gone to the Other World

It is a concept album which is written as a retrospective soundtrack for the 1964 movie Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors by Sergei Parajanov.

Akhtala Monastery

The prominent Armenian filmmaker of the 20th century Sergei Parajanov filmed two episodes of his film The Color of Pomegranates at the monastery.

Anton Solomoukha

His vision of the world was influenced by Masters like the stage designer Misha Frenkel, the director Sergei Parajanov, the writer Viktor Nekrasov, etc.

Mikhail Vartanov

This documentary, a silent commentary of gestures of painter Martiros Saryan, also featured Vartanov’s friends, the dissident artists Minas Avetisyan and Sergei Parajanov, for which the film was censored and suppressed; Avetisyan was assassinated and Parajanov was imprisoned shortly after.


The 1968 Armenian film Sayat Nova directed by Sergei Parajanov follows the poet's path from his childhood wool-dying days to his role as a courtier and finally his life as a monk.

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