In 2005 Gov. Sergey Ivanovich Morozov of Ulyanovsk, a region about 800 kilometres east of Moscow, added an element of fun to the national campaign by declaring September 12th the Day of Conception and giving couples time off from work to procreate.
Sergey Brin | Sergey Kuryokhin | Sergei Ivanovich Osipov | Sergey Mikhalkov | Sergey Kirov | Sergey Ivanov | Sergey Chigrakov | Sergey Lazarev | Sergey Kalchugin | Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau | Evgeny Morozov | Yevgeni Ivanovich Alekseyev | Sergey Shoygu | Sergey Pugachyov | Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky | Sergey M. Bezrukov | Sergey Letov | Sergey Kara-Murza | Sergey Gerasimov | Pavel Ivanovich Melnikov | Nikolai Ivanovich Kuznetsov | Aleksandr Ivanovich Laktionov | Vladimir Morozov | Viktor Morozov | Serhiy N. Morozov | Serhiy Morozov | Sergey Uvarov | Sergey Ulegin | Sergey Tchepikov | Sergey Spigelglas |