Despite his unshakable demeanor Sarkula entertained audiences with his verbal acrobatics which often had gothic undertones and even by doing skits relating to games he was reviewing (while reviewing Serious Sam he did an imitation of the Headless Screaming creatures in the game).
The X-ray tech J.D. asks to help with his patient is wearing a Serious Sam t-shirt.
In ancient times, Earth was involved in a massive conflict between Mental, an evil extraterrestrial being who wants to rule the universe, and the Sirians, a technologically-advanced sentient alien race that left many of its artifacts to be discovered by humanity.
Sam Neill | Sam Cooke | Sam Shepard | Sam Phillips | Uncle Sam | Sam Raimi | Sam Houston | Sam Brownback | Yosemite Sam | Fort Sam Houston | Sam's Club | Sam Peckinpah | Sam Mendes | Sam Waterston | Sam Worthington | Sam & Dave | Sam Taylor-Wood | Sam Houston State University | Sam Kelly | Sam Bush | Sam Zell | Sam Spade | Sam Milby | Sam Wood | Sam Wanamaker | Sam Walton | Sam Snead | Sam Rockwell | Sam Phillips (singer) | Sam Malin |
The game features Egypt and Rome as settings, new graphical style, and many enemies and weapons returning from The First Encounter and The Second Encounter.