
2 unusual facts about Serra d'Or

Serra d'Or

Owing to the Call to the young writers (which is made still every year for writers that are younger than thirty years old) some important writers appeared, such as Montserrat Roig, Oriol Pi de Cabanyes, Carme Riera, Baltasar Porcel, or Terenci Moix.

Among the board members there are several important people in the Catalan culture: Antoni Maria Badia i Margarit, Oriol Bohigas, Ramon Bastardes, Sebastià Benet, Josep M. Bricall, Max Cahner, Jordi Carbonell, Josep M. Castellet, Alexandre Cirici, Joan Colomines, Xavier Fàbregas (that replaced Joan Triadú), Joaquim Molas, Miquel Porter i Moix, Antoni de Rosselló, Josep Termes, Francesc Vallverdú and Jordi Ventura i Subirats.

see also