Servigliano borders the following municipalities: Belmonte Piceno, Falerone, Monte San Martino, Monteleone di Fermo, Penna San Giovanni, Santa Vittoria in Matenano.
His father, Giovanni Francesco Pedrini, who had been born in Servigliano on February 5th, 1630, had worked as notary in his native town for two years from 1654 to 1656, before going to Rome for ten years, as Chancellor for the Auditor Camerae.
Belmonte Piceno borders the following municipalities: Falerone, Fermo, Grottazzolina, Monsampietro Morico, Montegiorgio, Monteleone di Fermo, Montottone, Servigliano.
Penna San Giovanni borders the following municipalities: Amandola, Falerone, Gualdo, Monte San Martino, Sant'Angelo in Pontano, Servigliano.