
2 unusual facts about Seuil

May 1958 crisis

Michel Winock, La fièvre hexagonale: les grandes crises politiques 1871-1968 (Seuil, Points-Histoire, new edition 1999) ISBN 978-2-02-028516-2

Tahar Djaout

The Last Summer of Reason Novel, Ruminator Books, 2001 (French edn: Le dernier été de la raison, Paris, Seuil, 1999


Seuil |

History of mentalities

Philippe Poirrier, Les enjeux de l'histoire culturelle (Paris, Seuil, 2004).

Kateb Yacine

L'Homme aux sandales de caoutchouc, hommages au Vietnam et à Ho Chi Minh, théâtre, Paris, Editions du Seuil, 1970, 288 pages.

Patristica Sorbonensia

Patristica Sorbonensia was a collection of academic works on patristically related themes, edited by Henri Irénée Marrou and published by Le Seuil.

Seuil du Poitou

The Seuil du Poitou is a geological denomination for an area in western central France where the Paris (Northeast) and Aquitaine (Southwest) sedimentary basins meet, and which also is a gap between the ancient mountain ranges Massif Armoricain (Northwest) and the Massif Central (Southeast).

see also