The Seven Shadows were the short-lived superhero team of heroes that operated in Chicago during the World War Two era and who were slain by the super villain, Johnny Sorrow.
Due to their brief and final appearance in JSA #18, their true identities and their particular set of powers are unknown.
Dark Shadows | The Shadows | The House That Shadows Built | Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows | Shadows Fall | Glass Shadows | Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire | Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide | Come Like Shadows | Shadows in the Moonlight (song) | Shadows in the Moonlight | Book of Shadows | When the Shadows Beam | Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors | Shadows in Zamboula | Night of Dark Shadows | Game of Shadows | Dark Shadows (film) | Dark Shadows (2004) | Bionicle 3: Web of Shadows | Beneath the Shadows | Two Shadows | The Shadows of Knight | Storm from the Shadows | Standin' in the Shadows of Love | Standing in the Shadows of Motown (film) | Standing in the Shadows of Motown | Standing in the Shadows of Love | Shadows Wake Me | Shadows Over Camelot |