Septimius Severus | Alexander Severus | Snape Maltings | Severus | Sulpicius Severus | Snape, Suffolk | Snape | Hans Severus Ziegler | Flavius Valerius Severus | Andrew Snape Douglas | Severus Sebokht | Severus Ibn al-Muqaffaʿ | Saint Severus | Joel Snape |
The game covers a wide range of characters of the first four parts, from notable ones like Albus Dumbledore, and Severus Snape, to others like Viktor Krum in shark form or the Trolley Witch from the Hogwarts Express.
Occasionally, truly masterful clues are given: for example the film Dirty Harry was clued with the single line "Potter! ... Don't do that.", delivered in an impression of Alan Rickman's portrayal of Severus Snape.