
3 unusual facts about Alexander Severus

Central Bathhouse Vienna

The unusually deep well of the building itself was already in use in Roman times for the small fortification at a bridge (proven through the discovery of coins dating back to the Emperors Heliogabalus and Alexander Severus).

Medical college

From Alexander Severus, these associations are transformed to free compulsory, children should follow the profession of his father.


According to this source, the Caesar Lucius Aelius (died 138) invented the dish; his senior colleague, the Emperor Hadrian, liked it; a later emperor, Alexander Severus, liked it too.


He is to be distinguished from Peisander of Laranda in Lycia, who lived during the reign of Alexander Severus and wrote a poem on the mixed marriages of gods and mortals, after the manner of the Hesiodic Catalogue of Women.

Praetorian prefect

From the time of Alexander Severus the post was open to senators also, and if an equestrian was appointed he was at the same time raised to the senate.

Severan dynasty

The eighteen year-old Emperor Elagabalus and his mother were both taken from the palace, dragged through the streets, murdered and thrown in the river Tiber by the Praetorian Guard, who then proclaimed Alexander Severus as Augustus.

see also