
unusual facts about Seyler


Seyler family, a Swiss-German family of artists and bankers, including

Frogner Manor

The buyer was the director of the Modums Blaafarveværk, Jacob Benjamin Wegner, who was married to Henriette Seyler of the Hamburg Berenberg-Gossler-Seyler banking dynasty.

Hüon und Amande

It was published in "Flensburg, Schleswig and Leipzig" in 1789 (the same year as Seyler's death), and was dedicated to the actor Friedrich Ludwig Schröder, a long-time friend and collaborator of Seyler and her husband Abel Seyler, the founder of the Seyler theatrical company (see also Seyler family).

Seyler's libretto formed the basis of Karl Ludwig Giesecke's libretto for the opera Oberon, written for Emanuel Schikaneder's troupe and set to music by Paul Wranitzky.

Mirok Li

He found support from Professor Seyler, who became his patron, and later moved to Gräfelfing.

see also