By the time Vidyasagar, Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay are creating the ground work for Shadhu bhasha, Kaliprasanna Singha, Peary Chand Mitra and others are realising the strength of the cholito bhasha.
Languages spoken include Braj Bhasha, Braj Bhasha is mainly a rural tongue currently, predominant in the nebulous Braj region centred around Mathura & Agra in Uttar Pradesh and Dholpur & Bharatpur in Rajasthan .
From December 16 to 22, 1995, the First World Konkani Convention was held in Mangalore under the auspices of Konkani Bhasha Mandal Karnatak, Konkani Activist and organiser Basti Vaman Shenoy was its chief convener.
H. P. Sastri, who discovered these poems, termed the language sandhya bhasha (twilight language) and this is nothing but the Kamarupi apabhramsa.
He mastered Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Saraiki, Punjabi, Sindhi, and Braj Bhasha, and also wrote poems in Saraiki, Punjabi, Urdu, Sindhi, Persian, and Braj Bhasha.
The reference to Andhra Bhasha, Urdu or Persian, Turushka, Sukkani, Rahu Kala, and other things show that he came after the sixteenth century.