
2 unusual facts about Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer


Vince Cable, the Liberal Democrats' economic spokesman mocked so-called "masters of the universe," whose hedge funds profited from short-selling.

Worcester Council election, 2008

Three members of the Shadow Cabinet including the Shadow Chancellor George Osborne visited Worcester to campaign for the Conservatives.

Project Merlin

Ed Balls, the Shadow Chancellor, criticised the deal as "toothless" and suggested that it contained a "clear get-out clause which allows the banks to do whatever they wish to enhance the interests of their shareholders.".

see also

Chris Gent

From October 2005 to October 2006 he served on the Tax Reform Commission, established by the then Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne MP.

Forrest Capie

In 1999, Capie was appointed by Francis Maude