This quantum interference in many body system has been described using quantum mechanics by Gregor Wentzel, for the interpretation of the Auger effect, by Ettore Majorana for the dissociation processes and quasi bound states, by Ugo Fano for the atomic auto-ionization states in the continuum of helium atomic spectrum and by Victor Frederick Weisskopf.
Magnetic resonance imaging | Resonance FM | Nuclear magnetic resonance | The Shape of Jazz to Come | The Shape of Things | resonance | Functional magnetic resonance imaging | Moonlight Resonance | shape | magnetic resonance imaging | The Shape of Things to Come | Shape Up and Dance | Shape of the Moon | SHAPE | Resonance | orbital resonance | Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy | Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography | functional magnetic resonance imaging | Electron paramagnetic resonance | The Colour and the Shape | surface plasmon resonance | Shape theory (mathematics) | Shape theory | Shape Shifters (band) | Shape Shifters | Shape-memory alloy | SHAPE High School | Shape analysis | Resonance of Fate |