Shattered Horizon is a first-person shooter where players fight in zero gravity surrounded by the broken remains of Earth's orbital infrastructure and billions of tons of rocky debris thrown into orbit by a huge explosion on the Moon.
Some examples of true 6DoF games, which allow independent control of all three movement axes and all three rotational axes, include Shattered Horizon, the Descent franchise, Retrovirus (PC game), Miner Wars and Forsaken.
Horizon | Deepwater Horizon oil spill | Horizon (BBC TV series) | Deepwater Horizon | Vertical Horizon | Lost Horizon | Bring Me The Horizon | Deepwater Horizon explosion | Blue Horizon | Over-the-horizon radar | Lost Horizon (1937) | L'horizon chimérique | Horizon City | Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey | horizon | Forza Horizon | ''Deepwater Horizon'' oil spill | Sound Horizon | Shattered Horizon | Shattered City: The Halifax Explosion | National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling | Horizon League Men's Basketball Player of the Year | ''Deepwater Horizon'' explosion | Contra: Shattered Soldier | Bring Me the Horizon | Beyond the Horizon Line | Ace Combat: Assault Horizon | Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies | 2012 Horizon Laser Vision Center Classic |