
3 unusual facts about Shaul Shats

Shaul Shats

"For Shats, Jerusalem is the heart of the world and forms a geographical boundary between desert and settlement, barbarism and civilization. Israel's Negev desert is a desolate wilderness not related to directly in his work, though he remains affected by its presence and proximity. Shats considers himself a religious painter. He has said of his work that religious painting is a frequent phenomenon and a more natural one than often realized."

Shats's primary subjects are the landscapes of the Jerusalem environs - the Temple Mount, the vistas from the Armon HaNetziv Promenade (see Talpiot) in the Old City, and the views past the village of Siloah.

He won the Israel Museum Prize for Illustration (1990), the Jerusalem Prize (1992), the Ben Yitzhak Prize for Illustration of Israeli Children's Books (1992), and the Ish-Shalom Prize.

see also