Sheila Jackson Lee, a local congressperson, expressed an opposition to closing the district.
In Houston, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee gave a special congressional certificate to Sheikh Saad Nomani, recognizing his services to keep the art of Qirat alive and taking it to the next upper level.
“My office made sure that a person of Sheikh Nomani’s stature receives the best possible welcome, where an officer of the immigration received you at the gate. His Goodwill Tour of USA is most important in the times we live in. More persons of Sheikh standing need to come to USA,” said Honorable Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, as she arrived to the program directly from airport.
On May 3, 2011, at a once-a-year House Oversight Hearing of the Judiciary Committee at which Attorney General Eric Holder testified, two members of Congress (Debbie Wasserman Schultz D-FL and Sheila Jackson Lee D-TX) publicly mentioned the case of Sholom Rubashkin to the Attorney General.
On February 16, 2007, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee recognized Holder during a hearing of the Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure Protection, for her work with fired railroad workers.
Through the efforts of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, the crew and the Nolan family were able to secure travel visas and permission for entry, as well as access to military records regarding McKinley Nolan.
Michael Jackson | Andrew Jackson | Robert E. Lee | Peter Jackson | Janet Jackson | Spike Lee | Jackson | Jerry Lee Lewis | Bruce Lee | Jackson Pollock | Jackson, Mississippi | Peggy Lee | Lee Konitz | John Lee Hooker | Samuel L. Jackson | Christopher Lee | Lee | Stan Lee | Port Jackson | Lee Kuan Yew | Jackson Browne | Stonewall Jackson | Jesse Jackson | Jamie Lee Curtis | Ang Lee | Alan Jackson | Washington and Lee University | Tim Berners-Lee | Lee Hsien Loong | The Jackson 5 |