
2 unusual facts about Shekel


The shekel of Tyre was subsequently replaced as the Temple tax in AD 66 by the Jerusalem shekel of the First Jewish revolt against Rome.

The word "shekel" came in to the English language via the Hebrew Bible, where it is first used in the Book of Genesis.

Burnaburiash I

He was also father of Ulam-Buriyåš, as commemorated on an onyx weight, in the shape of a frog, with a cuneiform inscription, “1 shekel, Ulam Buriaš, son of Burna Buriaš,” which was found in a large burial, during excavations of the site of the ancient city of Metsamor.


It was originally a fifth of a Denarius/zuz, as seen in Exodus ("20 gerah is a shekel"), then became a sixth of a denar/Zuz, such as the Yehud coins which came in two denominations, approximately .58 gram as a ma'ah and approximately .29 gram as a half ma'ah (chatzi ma'ah), and (.58


Confirmation of his provenance comes from an onyx weight, in the shape of a frog, with a cuneiform inscription, “1 shekel, Ulam Buriaš, son of Burna Buriaš”, which was found in a large burial, during excavations of the site of the ancient city of Metsamor.

see also