The series was hosted by Scott Cam and Shelley Craft, with Cam having previously been the resident builder on Backyard Blitz, and featured a design team of Chontelle Samios (interior) and Joel Hurrey (landscape), as well as Richard Reid as the family guide.
It was hosted by Australia's Funniest Home Videos host Shelley Craft, and presented by a team of diverse Nine Network personalities.
Mary Shelley | Percy Bysshe Shelley | Shelley Winters | Shelley | Shelley Long | Shelley Craft | Norwegian National Academy of Craft and Art Industry | Chris-Craft Industries | Landing Craft Support | Alex Shelley | Robert Craft | Shelley v. Kraemer | Shelley's Sparrow | Shelley's | Shelley Moore Capito | Paul Shelley | landing craft | Bruce Shelley | Shelley Mann | Shelley Jackson | Nikki Craft | Kate Shelley | Car Craft | Shelley, West Yorkshire | Shelley Sekula-Gibbs | Shelley Preston | Shelley Posen | Shelley Nitschke | Shelley Hirsch | Shelley Hack |
Celebrities who have fronted Planet Ark campaigns include Pierce Brosnan, Olivia Newton-John, Jamie Durie, Steve Irwin, Kylie Minogue, Dannii Minogue, Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise, Rolf Harris, Layne Beachley, Shelley Craft and Sir Richard Branson.
For the series' spring special in 2008, Thornton was replaced as host by Lisa Wilkinson, and Rochford was joined by new presenters Shelley Craft, landscaper Melissa King and the "Barefoot Investor" Scott Pape.