
unusual facts about Shia Muslims

Annangrove, New South Wales

Imam Hasan Centre, one of the only Muslim prayer centres (Hussainia) for Shia Muslims in Sydney, is located in Annangrove.

Family tree of Shaiba ibn Hashim

Shaiba ibn Hashim was the grandfather of Prophet Muhammad, who was the cousin and father-in-law of Ali ibn Abi Talib, who was the fourth and last of the Rightly Guided Caliphs according to Sunni Muslims and the first Imam according to Shia Muslims.

Mass graves in Iraq

The 1991 massacre of Iraqi Shia Muslims after the Shia uprising at the end of the Gulf war, in which tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians in regions such as Basra, Karbala, Najaf, Nasiriya, Amara and Al-Hillah were killed.

see also

Ahlulbayt TV

Ahlulbayt TV frequently features many prominent Shia Muslims scholars and speakers including Sayed Fadhel Milani, Sayed Mahdi Modarresi, Ummulbanin Merali, Sayed Mustafa Qazwini, the late Barrister Murtaza Lakha, Hajji Mohammed al-Hilli, Sayed Mohammad Razavi, Sayed Zafar Abbas, Sheikh Ali Massoumian, Sayed Mohammed Mousawi, Rebecca Masterton, Zahra Al Alawi, Amina Inloes, as well as others, and also broadcast live video feeds from the Holy City of Karbala.

Demography of Sudan

97% of the population adheres to Islam, with the overwhelming majority being adherents of the Sunni branch and the Maliki school of Islamic jurisprudence (with very few exceptions of Shia Muslims).

Maroun al-Ras

The population in Maroun al-Ras being shia Muslims, however immediately called on help from Fatah and their Lebanese allies.

Peter in Islam

Shia Muslims maintain that every major prophet had a disciple who became the Imam, or leader, after his death: Adam had Seth; Noah had Shem; Abraham had his sons; Moses had Joshua; and Jesus had Peter.

The Five Martyrs

The Five Martyrs of Shia Islam: five Shia Muslims executed by Sunni Muslims in different periods.