This date was January 8, 1985, which was two weeks before the beginning of the first administrative year of Republican Governor Michael N. Castle from New Castle County and the first year for Democratic Lieutenant Governor Shien Biau Woo, also from New Castle County.
This date was January 5, 1987, which was two weeks before the beginning of the third administrative year of Republican Governor Michael N. Castle from New Castle County and the third year for Democratic Lieutenant Governor Shien Biau Woo, also from New Castle County.
John Woo | Ji Hyun-woo | The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo | Roh Tae-woo | Yeon Woo-jin | Tricky Woo | Mary-Woo Sims | Jung Tae-woo | WoO | Shien Biau Woo | Lee Hyun-woo | Jung Woo-sung | Jung Il-woo | ''Woo-e-shan, or Bohea Hills, Province of Fo-kien''. (Drawn by Thomas Allom | Teresa Woo-Paw | Song Jin-Woo | Sin Sang-woo | Seo Min-woo | Park Yong-woo | Merle Woo | Mathias Woo | Lee Kwan-Woo | Kim Sun-Woo | Kim Kun-Woo | Kim Dong-Woo | Jang Sun-woo | Choi Woo-hyuk | Chin Woo Athletic Association | Arnie "Woo-Woo" Ginsburg |