In 2013 Shin gained global fame for the gymnastic-style ceremonial first pitch she threw at a baseball match between the Doosan Bears and Samsung Lions at Jamsil Stadium in Seoul, which went viral on YouTube.
She was also a member of the 2010 Korean gymnastics team that took fourth place at the 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou, China.
Shin Bet | Tang Soo Do | Soo Locks | Shin-Soo Choo | Shin-Ōsaka Station | Bae Soo-bin | Shin Yun-bok | Shin-Yamaguchi Station | Shin | Crayon Shin-chan | Soo Ae | Shō Shin | Shin'yoshitomi, Fukuoka | Shin'yoshitomi | Shin-Toyohashi Station | Shin-Ōmuta Station | Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga | Shin Kwang-Hoon | Shin-Kobe Station | Shin Ji | Shin Jae-chul | Shin Fujiyama | Rin Shin | Park Shin-yang | Lee Jung-Soo | Carmen Soo | Yoon Jong-shin | Yeahwon Shin | tang soo do | Soo Line 1003 |