
unusual facts about Shoeless Joe

Frank Porter Graham

The baseball career of Graham's brother, Archibald Wright "Moonlight" Graham, was popularized in the W. P. Kinsella novel Shoeless Joe and the 1989 film it inspired, Field of Dreams.

Gainesway Farm

The colt has been named Kinsella after well-known baseball writer W. P. Kinsella, whose book, Shoeless Joe, was adapted into the movie "Field of Dreams".

see also

Anderson Joes

Shoeless Joe Jackson is not in the National Baseball Hall of Fame due to the Black Sox Scandal, when he and seven other players were accused of "throwing" the 1919 World Series.

Mark Grace

His ex-wife, Michelle, was also married to Ray Liotta, who played baseball player "Shoeless" Joe Jackson in Field of Dreams.