This film influenced later studio related scripted film fair such as Paramount's own Hollywood (1923), Goldwyn's Souls for Sale (1923), and MGM's Show People (1928).
Though many of the stars featured are seldom remembered today, the film is an ancestor to later similar films like Hollywood (1923) and Show People (1928) .
Though one of the great comic talents of her day, featured in many of the decade's successful comedies, such as Tillie the Toiler (1927), she too often appeared in extravagant, costly period romance films at the behest of her newspaper tycoon lover William Randolph Hearst, who supposedly enjoyed seeing his mistress in fancy costume.
For example: Janice Meredith (1924), Yolanda (1924), Bride's Play (1922) and the infamously expensive When Knighthood Was in Flower (1922), all financially backed by Hearst's Hollywood film company, Cosmopolitan Productions.
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Produced by Mack Sennett, The Extra Girl followed earlier films about the film industry and also paved the way for later films about Hollywood, such as King Vidor’s Show People (1928).
From 2005-06 he was the co-host of the television show People, Places, and Plants with Paul Tukey on HGTV.