He enjoyed playing softball and tinkering with old cars and was active in several organizations including the Masonic Lodge, the Shriners and Major League Baseball's alumni society.
Originally arranged by local Shriners the run has taken on a less official status, occurring with little to no organization apart from its pre-determined date during Victoria Day weekend.
Foster Hewitt served as the master of ceremonies as 12,000 spectators watched an array of Shriners, athletes, politicians, and Hollywood actress Corinne Calvet inaugurate the stadium.
Throughout his life, Fenwick was a member of the American Bar Association, the Freemasons, the Shriners, the Elks Club, the Moose Lodge, the American Legion, the Rotary Club and the Farm Bureau.
Aronberg was a member of the Freemasons, Shriners, Kiwanis, Forty and Eight, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Elks, as well as the American Legion, of which he was vice commander.
During his life, Caldwell was a member of the Newcomen Society, Freemasons, Shriners, Elks, and Knights of Pythias.
Copeland was a member of several honor societies and fraternal organizations, including the Pi Gamma Mu, international honor society in social sciences, which he served in various positions, Delta Kappa Epsilon, the New York Athletic Club, the National Democratic Club, the Elks, the Freemasons, the Knights Templar, the Shriners, the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, and the Sons of the American Revolution.
The Shriners had considered closing facilities in Shreveport, Louisiana; Greenville, South Carolina; Erie, Pennsylvania; Spokane, Washington; Springfield, Massachusetts and