
unusual facts about Shutruk-Nakhunte


Shutruk-Nakhunte gained a small public exposition in Ethan Canin's short story The Palace Thief, and its adaptation in the 2002 film The Emperor's Club, in which one of the key elements is a plaque describing the exploits of Shutruk-Nakhunte, described as a once famous egomaniacal conqueror virtually unknown today.

Tablet of Akaptaḫa

The object was recovered during the French excavations at Susa at the end of the 19th century, where it had been taken as war booty during one of the Elamite invasions following the overthrow of Kaštiliašu IV by Tukulti-Ninurta I, those of Kidin-Hutran III (ca. 1224 BC and 1217 BC), Shutruk-Nakhunte (ca. 1158 BC) and Kutir-Nahhunte II (1155 BC).

see also