From 2007 to 2010, Swindell sold merchandise for fellow Sigma Chi member Luke Bryan.
While at the university, he was initiated into the Sigma Chi fraternity.
In order to live a more "normal" life, Dave's dad moved the family to Kansas City, where Dave attended the University of Missouri, where he was a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity with Brad Pitt.
He then went to San Diego State University, where he was a member of Sigma Chi and worked as a campus representative for an insurance company.
While at the University of Michigan he became a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity.
Judge Boldt was a lifelong member of the Sigma Chi fraternity and even served as a Grand Trustee for 6 years, 1957-1963.
He is an active member of the Sigma Chi North American fraternity based out of Evanston, Illinois, and he is a Global Representative for the University of Waterloo.
In the United States, the Sigma Chi Fraternity and the Kappa Delta Rho Fraternity currently uses the Officer title quaestor as their treasurer's name as he oversees the financial obligations of the Fraternity.
He is a member of the Sigma Chi Fraternity, as well as a Significant Sig and a member of their Significant Sig Hall of Fame.
The Sigma Chi house at 601 E. Seventh Street, built in Free Classic style, was enlarged in 1925 by Granger, Lowe & Bollenbacher in a manner sympathetic to the original design.
Bowen is a graduate of Texas Tech University where he was a member of the Epsilon Nu chapter of the Sigma Chi fraternity.
Ho Chi Minh | Ho Chi Minh City | Sigma Chi | Sigma Xi | Sigma Alpha Epsilon | Delta Sigma Theta | T'ai chi ch'uan | Phi Beta Sigma | Chi | Sigma Corporation | Sigma Alpha Mu | Sigma Phi Epsilon | Sigma | Kappa Sigma | Chi-Pig | Beta Gamma Sigma | Tau Beta Sigma | T'ai chi | Six Sigma | Sigma Alpha Iota | Phi Sigma Kappa | Lambda Chi Alpha | Theta Delta Chi | t'ai chi | SK Sigma Olomouc | Sigma SD14 | Sigma Gamma Rho | Phi Sigma Epsilon | Delta Sigma Pi | Chi-squared distribution |
Savage interned for U.S. Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA at the time) in 2003 as a requirement for completing his studies at Stanford University, where he graduated in 2004 with a degree in Political Science and as a member of the Sigma Chi Fraternity.
Convenience Valet, Love's Travel Stops, Walmart, Costco, CDW, Food Lion, Rite Aid, Dairy Queen, IHOP, Sigma Chi, Delta Zeta, Domino Sugar, Phi Mu, Church's Chicken, Phi Delta Epsilon, Phi Kappa Theta, Zeta Beta Tau, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, McGraw-Hill Federal Credit Union, and Marriott Hotels are some of the corporate partners that support Children's Miracle Network Hospitals.
Famous alumni of the organization include actors John Wayne and Tom Selleck, who were also both members of Sigma Chi, Disneyland's First President Jack Lindquist, the "winningest" college baseball coach of all time Raoul "Rod" Dedeaux, Nevada Senator Dean A. Heller, Richard Nixon's USC Mafia Members Donald H. Segretti and Dwight Chapin, and real estate developer Rick J. Caruso.