
2 unusual facts about Signa


The Bisenzio is a river of 49 km that starts in the municipality of Cantagallo and enters into the Arno river in Signa (Florence).


In Giacomo Puccini's Gianni Schicchi, the "molini di Signa" (mills of Signa) are the most coveted by his relatives of Buoso Donati's properties.


Signa |

René Benko

Benko’s Signa Holding has invested over €1 billion in Germany including the German stock exchange’s new headquarters in Eschborn and the Sevens mall in Düsseldorf.

Signa Vianen

Signa Vianen is one of the few locals who helped edit the original database for the 2005 Prisma Sranan Tongo dictionary, an overview of Sranan (the main dialect in Suriname) words and verbal expressions (first selection ever translated into Dutch ánd vice versa).

see also