
3 unusual facts about Signet

Robert William Jameson

Robert William Jameson, WS (1805–1868): A Writer to the Signet in Edinburgh, Town Councillor, newspaper editor, poet and playwright, Robert William Jameson was the father of Sir Leander Starr Jameson, South African statesman and prime minister, and the nephew of Professor Robert Jameson of the University of Edinburgh.

Having first pursued a career as a Writer to the Signet in Edinburgh, Robert William's interest in journalism was recognised by his Whig friend and patron the Earl of Stair, who in 1954 made him Editor of the Wigtownshire Free Press, the headquarters of which was based in Stranraer, to which the family moved from Edinburgh, remaining there until 1860.

Signet, Kenya

Signet is a Kenyan subsidiary of the Kenyan Broadcasting Corporation (KBC) that broadcast and distribute the DTT signals on DVB-T2.

Alban Francis

On 7 February 1686–7 James II addressed a mandatory letter under his signet manual to John Peachell, master of Magdalene College, and vice-chancellor of Cambridge University, commanding him to admit Francis to the degree as master of arts "without administering unto him any oath or oaths whatsoever, or tendering any subscription to be made by him."

Creech Grange

Lawrence was an ancestor of the first American President, George Washington, and the joint arms of the two families - the famous stars and stripes of Washington's signet ring and the American flag - appear in memorials at Steeple and Affpuddle.

Ernst Bogislaw von Croÿ

With permission from the authorities of Swedish Pomerania, he bequeathed to the University of Greifswald his assets, including books, the signet ring of Bogislaw XIV, the golden chain of Ernst Ludwig, Duke of Pomerania, and the Croy Tapestry.

Marshall Newell

While at Harvard, Newell was also a member of the Institute of 1770, Dickey, Hasty Pudding Club and Signet.

Rob Roy MacGregor

Descendants of Rob Roy settled around McGregor, Iowa, and in 1849 it was reported that the original MacGregor seal and signet was owned by Alex McGregor of Iowa.

Signet society

Many undergraduate Signet members are in other Harvard College artistic and literary organizations, including the Harvard Advocate, the Hasty Pudding Theatricals, the Harvard Crimson, the Harvard Lampoon, the Harvard Radcliffe Orchestra, and the Harvard Radcliffe Dramatic Club.

Society of Writers to Her Majesty's Signet

The current Keeper of the Signet is Lord Mackay of Clashfern, former Lord Advocate of Scotland and Lord Chancellor of the United Kingdom.


In Exodus Decoded filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici suggested that he was the Patriarch Jacob on the basis of a signet ring found in the Hyksos capital Avaris that read "Yakov/Yakub" (from Yaqub-her), similar to the Hebrew name of the Biblical patriarch Jacob (Ya'aqov).

see also