
3 unusual facts about Significant figures

50–40–90 club

While the significant number is the same for the two sports, a baseball player with a batting average of .300 is referred to as a "three hundred hitter" and not a "30% hitter", a basketball player shooting .900 on free-throws will be referred to as a "90% free-throw shooter", not a "nine-hundred shooter".

Body mass index

The factor for UK/US units is more precisely 703.06957964, but that level of precision is not meaningful for this calculation.


Significant figures or significant digits, the precision of a numerical value

see also

Cluster Publications

Since 1994, the most important themes of South African life have been reflected in its publication list: contextual biblical hermeneutics, gender issues, HIV and AIDS, oral history, philosophical and ethical issues, significant figures in South African church history, and socio-political issues.

Gerard Quintana

He has worked with many significant figures in Catalan music, including the guitarist Francesc Bertran, Quimi Portet, Albert Pla, Pep Sala and the group Gossos.

Lee Langley

Her most recent novel, A Conversation on the Quai Voltaire (2006), was set in 18th and 19th century Paris, Italy, Russia and Egypt, and recreated the life of Dominique Vivant Denon, one of the most significant figures in French art history.

Media economics

Other significant figures in the field have included Steven S. Wildman, Alan Albarran, Bruce M. Owen, Ben Compaine, Stuart McFadyen, Gillian Doyle, Karl Erik Gustafsson, Nadine Toussaint Desmoulins, Achour Fenni and Stephen Lacy,

Post-structural feminism

Other significant figures in poststructuralist feminism include Monique Wittig, and Julia Kristeva.

Queen's University of Ireland

A number of significant figures in Irish public life participated in the governing senate of the university such as Sir Dominic Corrigan (Vice-Chancellor).

Sophia Morrison

Significant figures published in Mannin include: T. E. Brown, John Ruskin, Archibald Knox, W. H. Gill, A. P. Graves, George Borrow, Josephine Kermode, P. M. C. Kermode, William Boyd Dawkins, Mona Douglas, Edward Forbes, William Cubbon and W. Walter Gill.

The Bodley Club

Several of the Club's first members (from the 1890s) went on to become significant figures, including Edmund Trelawney Backhouse, Herbert George Flaxman Spurrell, and William Hamilton Fyfe.