
8 unusual facts about Silicon photomultiplier


PERDaix uses a time of flight system, a scintillating fiber tracker with SiPM readout, and a transition radiation detector in combination with a permanent magnet to measure particle fluxes.

Silicon photomultiplier

# The signal parameters are practically independent of external magnetic fields, in contrary to vacuum PMTs

The supply voltage (Vb) depends on APD technology used, and typically varies between 25 V and 70 V, thus being from 30 to 50 times lower than the voltage required for a traditional photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) operation.

The idea behind this device is the detection of single photon events in sequentially connected Si APDs.

They are attractive candidates for the replacement of the conventional PMT in PET and SPECT imaging since they provide high gain with low voltage and fast response, they are very compact and magnetic resonance compatible.

# G vs Vb dependence is linear, does not follow a power law like in the case of PMTs

Silicon photomultipliers, often called "SiPM" in the literature, are Silicon single photon sensitive devices built from an avalanche photodiode (APD) array on common Si substrate.

# Total quantum efficiency is about 20%, being similar to a traditional PMT

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