
5 unusual facts about Simla

Omphalota chlorobasis

It was described by Hampson in 1899, and is known from India (including Simla, the type location).

Rajendra Krishan

In his early work life he had a clerk's job in the municipal office in Simla, where he toiled up to 1942.

Samuel Boileau Goad

The buildings were among the most valuable in Simla and included Barnes’ Court, Kennedy House, the Park and Holly Lodge.

Simla, Colorado

Simla was named because the daughter of a railroad official was reading a book about India when she came across the name, Simla.

Notable athletes from Simla include Glenn Morris, gold medal winner of the 1936 Olympic decathlon, as well as Barry Helton, former professional football player in the NFL.

1898 in Afghanistan

Sir James Westland, when speaking at Simla in June, warmly eulogizes the conduct of the amir, and says that the tribesmen should now see that although the Indian government made an agreement with the amir, that agreement was not intended to interfere in any way with their independence.

Anti-Fascist Organisation

Soe had already gone underground to organise resistance against the Japanese Occupation, and Than Tun as Minister of Land and Agriculture was able to pass on Japanese intelligence to Soe, while other Communist leaders Thakin Thein Pe and Thakin Tin Shwe made contact with the exiled colonial government in Simla, India.

Battle of Dujaila

With the Poona Division under siege, the high commands in London and Simla began scrambling to put together a relief force.

Bhalchandra Mungekar

Mungekar has also been the Chairman and President of Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Simla.

Cyrtopodion fasciolatus

Banded bent-toed Gecko Cyrtopodion fasciolatus is a species of gecko found in Northwest India (West Himalaya, Subathu/ Simla, Garhwal Hills, Almora, Kumaon).

Frances Swiney

She studied under James Danby, son of Francis Danby, R.A., and specialised in pictures of Indian scenery and life, exhibiting at Simla, Madras, and Birmingham, England.

Frederic Villiers

A world cruise followed in which he visited British India where he dined with the Viceroy, Lord Lytton at Simla, travelling on to Sydney, Tasmania, Auckland, Honolulu and San Francisco, and in 1882 was in Egypt to cover the Anglo-Egyptian War; he was present at Battle of Tel-el-Kebir.

Henry Collett

At his death he was working on a book on the flora of Simla, which was published posthumously as Flora Simlensis (1902).

Hill town

Around the world, the most famous examples are the hilltowns of Darjeeling and Simla.

Jan Holden

At the age of six, she and her twin brother Geoffrey were sent to schools in the hills near Simla.

Japanese occupation of Burma

Soe had already gone underground to organise resistance against the Japanese occupation, and Than Tun was able to pass on Japanese intelligence to Soe, while other Communist leaders Thakins Thein Pe and Tin Shwe made contact with the exiled colonial government in Simla, India.

John Pitt Kennedy

There he built the military road named after him and extending from Kalka via Simla to Kunawur and Tibet.

Lepidoptera Indica

Moore also noted the contributions of Sir Walter Elliot from the Madras region, S. Nevill(e) Ward for notes from the Malabar coast, W. S. Atkinson, A E Russell, Colonel A M Lang (Oudh, Kashmir, Simla), Captain T. Hutton (Mussoorie), Captain H. L. de la Chaumette (Lucknow), C. Horne, Dr Francis Day, W. Forsyth Hunter, Major J. Le Mesurier, Major-Gen.

Neville Tufnell

Born in 1887 in Simla, Punjab, India, Tufnell played first-class cricket for Cambridge University and the Marylebone Cricket Club in a not particularly notable first-class career as a wicketkeeper that lasted from 1907 to 1924.

Nuha al-Radi

She was educated at private English-speaking schools in Delhi and Simla, except for a brief spell in 1956 when she attended a boarding school in Alexandria to improve her Arabic, but this was interrupted by the Suez Crisis.

Paljor Dorje Shatra

Sir Charles Bell described Shatra as follows: "He showed people skills and a political power that surprised many at the conference. His simple dignity and charming way of doing things made him beloved by all who knew him in Simla and Delhi".

Sadhu Sundar Singh

In April he reached Kalka, a small town below Simla, a prematurely aged figure in his yellow robe among pilgrims and holy men who were beginning their own trek to one of Hinduism's holy places some miles away.

Sugar City Ratepayers Alliance

It failed to win any seats, however, either in the main election, or in the special election on 12 November for four seats in the Simla ward, which had been postponed.

Temporary capital

During the British Raj rule of India, some parts of the administration temporarily moved each summer to Simla, where the weather is cooler.

Under the Deodars

The wife of a man who is serving in the plains of India, leaving her alone in Simla, enters into an extra-marital affair with a 'Tertium quid'.

Ursula Jeans

Ursula Jeans was born in Simla, British India, to English parents, and brought up and educated in London.

Yellow-billed Blue Magpie

From Simla eastwards, the closely allied Red-billed Blue-Magpie (Urocissa melanocephala) is often found in the same areas as the yellow-billed species; it is particularly common about Mussoorie, Tehri-Garhwal, -Kumaon, and in Nepal, and may be easily distinguished by its red beak and the greater extent of the white nape-patch.

see also