
unusual facts about Simula


Armor Holdings

In 2003, it acquired Simula, Inc. a developer and producer of military seating systems, the Cockpit Air Bag System (CABS) for US Army helicopters, the Small Arms Protective Insert (SAPI) armor system, and parachutes.

Class-based programming

Although Simula introduced the class abstraction, the canonical example of a class-based language is Smalltalk.

Object-based language

Examples of object-oriented languages include Simula, Smalltalk, C++ (whose object model was based on Simula's), Objective-C (whose object model was based on Smalltalk's), Eiffel, Python, Ruby, Java, C#, and REALbasic (an object-oriented BASIC dialect).

Simula Research Laboratory

The other owners of Simula or its subsidiaries are Statoil, Telenor, Bærum Municipality, SINTEF, and Norwegian Computing Centre.

see also