
unusual facts about Singapore Democratic Party

Singapore Democratic Party

At the time, the result was viewed as being a notable setback to the ruling party and Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong.

Martyn See

Since 2004, Martyn is prominently known for making the 26-minute documentary film Singapore Rebel, about Dr. Chee Soon Juan, the leader of the opposition Singapore Democratic Party (SDP).

Matthias Yao

In 1994, Yao was publicly challenged by the leader of the opposition Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), Dr Chee Soon Juan, to stand against him in a single member constituency at the next general election.

Vikram Nair

He was a member of the PAP team in the constituency led by the Minister for Health, Khaw Boon Wan, which defeated the team from the Singapore Democratic Party by 84,252 votes (63.9%) to 47,605 (36.1%).

Vivian Balakrishnan

In the 2011 general election, Balakrishnan's team, including Liang Eng Hwa, Christopher de Souza and Sim Ann, defeated the opposing team from Singapore Democratic Party with 60.1% of the votes.

see also