
4 unusual facts about Siouan languages

Guilford County, North Carolina

At the time of European encounter, the inhabitants of the area that became Guilford County were a Siouan-speaking people called the Saura.

Macro-Siouan languages

In the 19th century, Robert Latham suggested that the Siouan languages are related to the Caddoan and Iroquoian languages.

Terrence Kaufman

Kaufman has produced descriptive and comparative-historical studies of languages of the Mayan, Siouan, Hokan, Uto-Aztecan, Mixe–Zoquean and Oto-Manguean families.

Wakenda, Missouri

The community was founded in 1869 and is named after the Siouan name for Gods River on account of abundance of game on its banks and fish in the stream.

Nils Holmer

Unusually, he carried out fieldwork across a wide range of languages across several continents, including Irish, Basque, Siouan languages, Algonquian languages, Iroquoian languages, the Central American language Kuna and the South American language of Choco and Wayuu and Australian Aboriginal languages.

see also

Teton Sioux

Lakota language, a Siouan languages spoken by the Lakota people of the Sioux tribes