
unusual facts about Sir John Betjeman


In 1973 the "Friends of the Guyhirn Chapel of Ease" was formed under the presidency of Sir John Betjeman, the Poet Laureate, who on his death was succeeded by well-known author Edward Storey.

Letcombe Brook

The Letcombe Brook Charitable Trust was established as a memorial to the poet Sir John Betjeman, who lived in the area for many years.

St Catherine's Church, Preston-next-Faversham

Sir John Betjeman in the Collins Pocket Guide to English Parish Churches has described St Catherine's as, "high and distinguished among the railways and breweries".

St. Marys Chapel of Ease, Dublin

It was the favorite Church of infamous English Poet Sir John Betjeman and the Dubliner Austin Clarke.

Swindon Works

In the 1960s, Swindon Borough Council applied to demolish much of the village, but poet and railway enthusiast Sir John Betjeman led a successful campaign to preserve it.

see also