
unusual facts about Sirenia

Seacow Head Light

The name "Seacow Head" was given in reference to the walrus, formerly abundant in nearby waters, and is not connected with Steller's Sea Cow or other Sirenia.


Although Henriette Bordvik performed vocals on both An Elixir for Existence and the EP Sirenian Shores, the release of The Enigma of Life makes Ailyn the first female vocalist to record two full-length albums with Sirenia.

Anne Stokes

Morten Veland from the Norwegian gothic metal band Sirenia was surfing the internet when he found Stokes mermaid picture.


The only guest musician on The Horror is Pete Johansen (The Scarr, Sins of Thy Beloved, Sirenia, Tristania) an amazingly talented violinist from Western Norway.

see also