
5 unusual facts about Sisters of the Precious Blood

Franz Pfanner

Finding the need of a sisterhood to teach girls, with characteristic energy he founded the Sisters of the Precious Blood.

Precious Blood Secondary School

Therefore, Sisters of the Precious Blood rented a place in Wan Chai as a school and named it 德貞第二女子中學, which was dependent on government subsidies.

Sisters of the Precious Blood

Society of the Precious Blood - An Anglican order of Augustinian nuns, founded in 1905, active in England and Lesotho

Bernadines of the Precious Blood - A congregation of nuns, no longer in existence, founded by Mother Ballou with the assistance of St. Francis de Sales, as an offshoot of the reformed Cistercians

Daughters of the Precious Blood - A congregation of nuns established in the Netherlands 1862

see also