
unusual facts about Sita Ram Goel


In order to foster the message and the writings of Abhishiktananda through the publication of his books and unpublished manuscripts, Raimon Panikkar, Patrick D'Souza, Jacques Dupuis, Sita Ram Goel, Ram Swarup, N. Shanta and James Stuart, founded the Abhishiktananda Society (Delhi) in 1978.

Biblia Impex India

Biblia Impex India (also Aditya Prakashan, named after the Adityas, a group of Vedic solar deities) is a New Delhi publishing company founded by influential Hindu nationalist Sita Ram Goel in 1963.

Understanding Islam through Hadis

In 1983, a reprint of the book by Sita Ram Goel, Ram Swarup's long-time friend and collaborator, sold out quickly.

see also