
2 unusual facts about Sith

Movie Battles

The Imperial or Separatist side (map dependent) have access to a number of specific classes as well: droidekas, Super battle droids, jet pack and flamethrower wielding Mandalorians, as well as Sith.


Knights of the Old Republic begins with Revan awaking on a starship under attack.

Baobhan sith

The Baobhan Sith have appeared on a number of occasions in author Mark Chadbourn's fantasy trilogies The Age of Misrule, The Dark Age, and Kingdom of the Serpent.

Commander Cody

Commander Cody, clone officer who appears in Star Wars: The Clone Wars (film) and Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith


One such Mandalorian, Gorse Bendak (nicknamed Bendak Starkiller) was encountered by Revan on the Sith controlled planet Taris.

Mike Lilly

Lilly’s original art sketch cards can also be seen for the Revenge of the Sith trading card line, The Lord of the Rings Evolution and Masterpieces series, Frankenstein from Universal, The Vintage Poster Collection sketch cards from Breygent, The Complete Avengers from Marvel Comics/Rittenhouse Archives and DC Legacy archive editions from DC Comics.

Monkey Kung Fu

In Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Ray Park can be seen using an adapted form of Monkey Kung Fu as Sith Lord Darth Maul.

Star Wars Legacy: Indomitable

This is a continuing side-story of the last of the Galactic Alliance's armed forces trying to survive in the Sith dominated New Galactic Empire by acquiring a new and powerful Star Destroyer from the massive shipyards of the Mon Calamari's homeworld of Dac which is under Imperial control.

Trade Federation

They are the main antagonist in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace due to being manipulated by the Order of the Sith Lords and become a part of a larger consortium in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones and Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith known as the Confederacy of Independent Systems or the CIS which is also manipulated by the Order of the Sith Lords.

The Trade Federation's key role in the films was as Sith Lord Darth Sidious's puppet, facilitating his ascension to Galactic Emperor by the end of Episode III.

see also