
5 unusual facts about Sixto Durán Ballén

Carondelet Palace

There has been some changes over the years, the most important in the presidencies of Gabriel García Moreno, Camilo Ponce Enríquez and Sixto Durán Ballén.

Flag of Quito

The flag of the city of Quito and of the canton of Quito is defined by Article 1 of a municipal law known as Ordenanza Municipal N° 1634, passed in 1974, when Sixto Durán Ballén was mayor of Quito.

Lebanese people in Ecuador

He was a running mate of Sixto Durán Ballén and upon victory in the elections, served Vice Presidency to Sixto Durán Ballén for period 1992 to 1995

Paute Dam

After the privatization of power generation that began in 1996 under the government of Sixto Durán Ballén, the dam passed into the hands of the company Hidropaute SA and then returned to state ownership during the government of Rafael Correa when Hidropaute became part of the Ecuador Electricity Corporation (Corporación Eléctrica del Ecuador, CELEC).

Time in Ecuador

Ecuador Time is at UTC-05:00 and has no daylight saving, except for a brief period in the 1990s during the government of president Sixto Durán Ballén.

see also