a shorthand for the Atlas Coeli Skalnate Pleso 1950.0, a popular sky atlas for amateur astronomers that was compiled at the observatory.
Štrbské Pleso – Štrba rack railway | Štrbské Pleso | Skalnate Pleso Atlas of the Heavens | Štrbské Pleso - Štrba rack railway | Štrbské Pleso railway station | Strbske Pleso | Skalnaté Pleso Observatory | Skalnaté pleso observatory |
Bečvář is particularly important for his star charts: he led the compilation of the Atlas Coeli Skalnate Pleso (1951), published by Sky Publishing Corporation as the Skalnate Pleso Atlas of the Heavens, which was the state-of-the-art atlas of its kind until Wil Tirion's "Sky Atlas 2000.0" in 1981.