
3 unusual facts about Sketches by Boz

James Francis Helvetius Hobler

The Parish Chapter I - The Beadle. The Parish Engine. The Schoolmaster in Sketches by Boz (Monthly Chronicle, 1836)

Chapter XVII - The Last Cab-Driver, and the First Omnibus Cad in Sketches by Boz (Monthly Chronicle, 1836)

Sketches by Boz

Dickens took the pseudonym from a nickname he had given his younger brother Augustus, whom he called "Moses" after a character in Oliver Goldsmith's The Vicar of Wakefield.

Egon Kisch

His early work is characterised by an interest in crime and the lives of the poor of Prague, taking Jan Neruda, Émile Zola and Charles Dickens's Sketches by Boz as his models.

see also